Saturday, 6 June 2015

Dying Light | Poem

Birthday Special!

Author of Art/Image Unknown
Sometimes behind love, is a dark and dangerous game.
A poem written and created by me - STEPHEX.


For my birthday today, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me and my blog, whether from day one, or just today. Your support means the world to me, especially those of you who have continued to inspire me, encourage me and those who enjoy my work.

In saying that, I've decided to dedicate this poem to a special follower, Vasia T., as a way to say thank you and show how much I appreciate my loyal readers and for their continued support.

Much love! x



  1. Wow, lots of dichotomy in your poem. I enjoyed contemplating its meter and meaning. Anyway,


    (p.s., nice animated image)

  2. Very deep and well written. It shows in your work of how committed and passionate you are about writing. Keep going for it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!

    1. Thank you so much, Monique, that means a lot! And thank you!! :)

  3. Very touching and I have kept a bookmark this to show to my friend

  4. Happy birthday!

    Another beautiful poetry. :)
