Friday, 20 February 2015

The Lost Diary #3 | The Deep End

The Life of The Lost Girl: a creative fictional diary, sometimes based on certain factual truths.

The Deep End

Have you ever looked in the deep end and wanted fall in? I would often picture myself floating then sinking deeper into the abyssthe coldness of the dark water numbing my bones as I stare up at the blurred sunlight. I'd imagine the bubbles that escape from my lips float to the surface and the comforting silence of the still water as I sink further down.

As I reach the bottom, I'd lie there for a while, staring up, and get this faint glimmer of hope as though at any second, a hand would reach out for me. But there's nothing, there's no one—just me and the water surrounding my body. Everything is dead still as if time itself had frozen and fallen in with me. I wouldn't feel anything, I wouldn't think a single thought, I would just lie there like a feather and drift ever so slightly. But then the sun begins to fade and whatever colour I could see turns to grey. And before I know it, I blink and realise I'm drowning. 

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Illusion | Poem Video

"Some diamonds aren't always forever."

A short poem written and created by me - STEPHEX.

My poem 'Illusion' is now a video on YouTube! Click here to watch it!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

The Lost Diary #2 | The End in Friend

The Life of The Lost Girl: a creative fictional diary, sometimes based on certain factual truths.
The End in Friend

I had this best friend once, we were close. People often mistook us as a couple, but we weren't—just friends. There were times when I liked him, and I think at times he liked me too, but we never said anything. He had girlfriends and I was too afraid, waiting for Mr Right or focusing on Mr Popular (my fantasy life). I was the shy kind, the girl who barely spoke, but my best friend was the opposite—he just told you how it is and that's what I liked about him.

We had a confusing relationship you see, like sometimes I saw him as my brother, and other times I thought he was 'right' for me. He was cute in his own way, charming in others, but there was something else about him that I never wanted to admit—something I knew would eventually hurt me.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

My Blog Turns 1! | Thank You!

Happy First Blogthday?!
I honestly can't believe it's been one year since I started my blog. I went into this whole thing thinking no one would read my posts, whether it being my reviews, short stories and poems. And boy was I wrong! 

There's a whole bunch of you guys out there (250+!) now who enjoy my work and my videos, and I can't thank each and every one of you enough for allowing my voice to be heard and read. You are all amazing, thank you!

Now that it's 2015, the future is only filled with possibility, further growth and potential, and who knows where Iand this blogwill be in another year from now: hopefully in an even better place! So once again, thank you so much for your support and for taking the time to read my posts and liking and commenting on them, it means the world to me and I appreciate you all. This whole thing has been a journey in itself and I hope you will all stick by me for another year and many other years to come!


Sunday, 8 February 2015

The Guardian | Poem

Art by Limsh - Devianart
Colour & contrast edited by me.
A dark battle awaits before the Golden Gates.
A short poem written and created by me - STEPHEX.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

The Lost Diary #1 | The Lost Girl

A creative fictional diary; sometimes based on certain factual truths.
The Lost Girl

My doctor told me that writing could be my cure out of all of this, that somehow my words and my stories can ease the pounding and impulsive thoughts of my subconscious. I'm a girl of many memories, trapped in my past, and I can't seem to break the shackles that bound my freedom. Some may think I'm a lost cause, a lost and lonely girl whose voice is only heard through written wordsthrough a diary entry. And maybe they're right.